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How do I create a section? Library | Items

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Use sections to divide tests into different components. Each section outlines a specific context or situation under which you can place questions from the item library. You can also use sections to describe a case and add questions about this case.

There are two different types of sections:

  1. In the fixed section, questions are added to the section in the collection. The section and questions are one. It is no longer possible to use the questions seperately.
  2. In the variable section, questions are added to the exam, when compiling the exam. These questions can still be used independently in other exams.

Both types are created in collections

General settings for a section

  1. Give the section a title.
  2. Add a media file or a resource, if necessary. It is possible to add one or more resources
  3. Describe the context or case.
  4. It is possible to add an introduction page prior to the start of the section. The text to be displayed needs to be filled in here.
  5. Click on Add learning objectives to add a learning objective to a section. This learning objective will overrule the learning objectives set per item.
  6. Click on Select taxonomy to choose a taxonomy. This taxonomy overrules the taxonomies set per item.
  7. Select Summative to use this item in a summative test.
    See Default settings for items to get more information about the other settings you will find under Tags.
  8. Click Preview to see what the question will look like for students. Click Save and close to return to the items page.

Fixed section

In a fixed section questions are added to the section in the collection.

  1. Click on the tab Questions to see and add the relevant questions.
  2. Click on Add questions to add a question to a section. Only questions which have not yet been used in an exam are visible in this overview.
  3. Select a question and click on Remove to remove the question from this section.
  1. Click on Options.
  2. Fill in the number of minutes the candidate has to answer all questions in the section if you want students to have a certain amount of time to complete a section. This is an optional setting.
  3. Select the option Show section introduction page if you wish to see this page. Displaying it only makes sense if you have set the Max time for section.
  4. Select Hide detailed information if you do not wish to show the details in the introduction page
  5. Click on Advanced options to see all options.
  6. You can set the Pass mark applicable to this section.
  7. Select the number of questions which need to be answered by the candidate. The candidate can choose which questions to answer.
  8. Click Save of Save and Close to save the changes. Click Preview if you want to see what the section will look like.

When you choose to have students answer 2 out of the 4 questions: after the student has answered the two questions, the remaining two questions become read-only and thus cannot be answered. If the students clears a given answer, another question can be answered.

After a section has been used in an exam, only limited changes are possible. It is only possible to make changes to the title, section text and add/remove resources or mediafiles. If you want to make any other changes, you will need to copy the section.

Variable section

The variable section is created with the general settings. During the compilation of the assessment (in the form) the questions are added to the section. See How do I determine the content of an assessment for more information on how to compile the assessment.

  • Click on Add section to add a section to the assessment.
  1. You land on the select section page.
  2. Select the section to which you want to add questions.
  3. Click on Save.
  4. Click on the looking glass to view the section text.
  1. Click on Select questions to add questions to the section.
  2. Drag the questions to the box.
  3. Check the box if the questions need to be randomised.
  4. Click on Save.

Go to the tab Options if you wish to set a maximum amount of time the candidate can spend on this section.

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